Roman Numerals & Yugambeh Numbers Sheet


Did you know Roman numerals and Yugambeh numbers are both Quinary systems! This means they are based on the number 5.
Lots of cultures use or have used a base-5 system, explore the similarities between Roman numerals and Yugambeh numbers in this simple matching worksheet.

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Did you know Roman numerals and Yugambeh numbers are both Quinary systems! This means they are based on the number 5.
Lots of cultures use or have used a base-5 system, explore the similarities between Roman numerals and Yugambeh numbers in this simple matching worksheet.

Did you know Roman numerals and Yugambeh numbers are both Quinary systems! This means they are based on the number 5.
Lots of cultures use or have used a base-5 system, explore the similarities between Roman numerals and Yugambeh numbers in this simple matching worksheet.